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January 24, 2024 - BY Admin

Ways To Earn Money As A Graphics Designer

The Creative industry is such that is large and gets interesting day in, day out. Over the years, it has created an avenue for so many people to showcase their skills and earn a Living.

One such Skill is Graphics Designing. Graphics Designers are needed in almost every sector or industry and as such it has become a demanding skill. If you are looking for a skill to learn and earn money from then Graphics Designing is a good place to look! Now there are several ways to earn money as a graphics designer and here are some popular options:

1. Freelancing: Start working as a freelance graphics designer and offer your services to clients on various platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. Build a strong portfolio and market your skills to attract clients.

2. Create and sell digital products: Design and create digital products such as fonts, icons, templates, or stock graphics, and sell them on marketplaces like Creative Market, Etsy, and our website. This can generate passive income over time.

3. Work for a design agency or company: Apply for graphic design positions at design agencies or companies that require graphic design services. You can work full-time, part-time, or as a freelancer depending on the opportunity.

4. Create a design blog or YouTube channel: Share your knowledge and showcase your skills through a design blog or a YouTube channel. Monetize your content through ads, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing.

5. Print-on-demand services: Use print-on-demand platforms like Redbubble or Society6 to upload and sell your designs on various products such as t-shirts, mugs, phone cases, or home decor items. These platforms handle the printing, shipping, and customer service while you earn a commission on each sale.

6. Offer design courses or tutorials: Teach others your design skills by creating and selling online courses or tutorials on platforms like Udemy or Skillshare. This can be a lucrative way to earn money while sharing your expertise.

7. Create commissioned artwork: Offer custom graphic design services where clients can commission you to create personalized artwork or designs for their specific needs, such as logo design, branding, or illustrations.

As a graphics designer looking to get a job, it is important to avoid certain common mistakes or pitfalls that could negatively impact your chances. Here are some things to avoid:

1. Lack of focus or direction: Make sure your portfolio and application materials demonstrate a clear focus and direction. A scattered or unfocused body of work may confuse potential employers about your skills and style. Always proofread your resume, cover letter, and any other communication to ensure they are free from grammar and spelling errors. Pay attention to details, as this reflects your attention to detail as a designer.

2. Lack of a professional online presence: In today's digital age, having an online portfolio and social media presence is important. Avoid not having a professional website or neglecting to showcase your work on platforms like BehanDribbleibbble.

3. Overloading your portfolio: Be selective and showcase your best work only. Avoid including too many mediocre or similar pieces, as it can dilute the impact of your portfolio and fail to demonstrate your creative abilities effectively.

4. Lack of creativity and originality: Avoid creating designs that are generic or too similar to existing trends. Employers are looking for designers who can bring fresh and innovative ideas to the table. Show your ability to think outside the box and create unique designs.

5. Lack of research about the company or client: Before interviewing, research the company or client you are applying to. Showcase your understanding of their brand, industry, and target audience in your portfolio or during the interview. This demonstrates your professionalism and interest in the position.

6. Ignoring feedback or not being open to criticism and Poor Communication: Be open to constructive criticism and feedback from others. Employers value designers who can receive and apply feedback effectively, as it shows that you are willing to grow and improve your skills. As a designer, you need to effectively communicate your ideas and collaborate with others. Avoid ignoring or responding poorly to emails, calls, or other forms of communication during the application or interview process. Good communication skills are essential in the design industry.

7. Being too self-centered: While your portfolio should highlight your skills and achievements, avoid coming across as arrogant or self-centered. Show humility and acknowledge the collaborative nature of design work, as employers value team players.

8. Dismissing or lacking knowledge of industry trends: Stay updated with the latest design trends and tools in the industry. Employers want designers who can adapt to changing technologies and design styles. Avoid dismissing or ignoring industry trends, as it showcases a lack of growth mindset.

Anyone can do anything but it takes a visionary person to do exceptionally well in their chosen field. Remember, building a strong portfolio, networking with potential clients or employers, and continuously improving your design skills are crucial to growing your income as a graphics designer.