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January 07, 2024 - BY Admin

Top 5 Most Lucrative livestock Businesses in Nigeria

Before the commercial discovery of crude oil, Nigeria was recognized for its agrarian economy, which is one of the most lucrative business sectors in the entire globe.


People tend to ignore various opportunities both locally and globally because they believe that working in agriculture is a tedious task best left to the poor.


As long as you know what you’re doing, livestock farming can make anyone wealthy. Intriguingly, the speed at which some of them make returns would enable you to recoup your startup costs and earn a small profit within two years.


For instance, breeding layers in the chicken industry begin laying eggs at about 18 weeks of age. If you have 100 hens and they each lay one egg every day, there will be 36,500 eggs laid over the course of a year. A year’s worth of 36,500 eggs will earn you N2,92,000 if they sell for N80 each. Now, multiply that income by 10 or 20, assuming you had 1,000 or 2,000 layers when you first started.


Typically, investing in livestock entails buying several animals, raising them until they are fully grown, and then selling them for a much greater price. The appeal of this type of investment is that you can watch the cattle increase in value as they grow every day.


While there is some risk associated with investing in cattle farming, this is true for all businesses. The hazards affecting the livestock industry include disease outbreaks and the high cost of feed, to name a couple.


notes that dangers can be minimized to the utmost degree by using remedies like vaccinations that lower the likelihood of a disease outbreak. As a result, the dangers are not fatal. Your livestock will be OK as long as you take care of their needs and maintain their health.


Here are some Lucrative  livestock farming options to think about:




The rabbit farming industry has a significant potential for growth. Cuniculture, another name for raising rabbits for their meat, fur, and other goods, is referred to as “rabbit farming.”


Despite the fact that their fur receives less attention, Nigerian farmers breed rabbits primarily for their flesh. The flesh falls within the category of white meat. The strong demand for rabbits in Nigeria will only continue to rise as awareness of their significance grows among more people.Contrary to certain other livestock animals, breeding rabbits is not expensive. They don’t cost much, and you make a good profit from them.


The age and breed of each rabbit have a significant impact on how much you can make from them. A rabbit can be purchased for anywhere between N1500 and N9000. You must have the following three things in order to establish your own rabbit farm: the type of rabbit, how many you start with, and a rabbit house.The price ranges from N45,000 to N100,000, with N100,000 being the largest sum required. If you wish to begin on a huge scale, it can cost more.If you want to start an agricultural business, you should think about rabbit farming.




A profitable agricultural venture that also provides you with passive income is grasscutter farming. They don’t need a lot of attention, so you don’t have to put in as much effort.Breeding grasscutters for their meat and other products is called “grasscutter farming” (for example, using their feces as fertilizer). The popularity of grass-cutting meat in Nigeria has increased relative to other meat sources. Due to its many advantages and taste, this makes sense. The supply is not keeping up with the demand, though.


The capital required to launch a grasscutter business is not very high. You are good to go after it meets the requirements. Even your backyard is a good place to start. Building a cage or shelter for grasscutters is inexpensive. If you are technically inclined, you can build it yourself.


When they are 5 to 6 months old, grasscutters reach their maturity stage. Some even reach maturity and are ready to procreate considerably earlier than 5 months. This largely depends on the breed and level of care given to them.


The demand for grass-fed meat has increased as a result of the advantages of the meat and the suggestions of those in the health field.As more individuals become aware of its advantages, this demand will only continue to rise. Grass cutters can also be raised for personal use.




Pig farming is very lucrative. However, it is not given the credit it deserves in Nigeria. Pork is a good source of animal protein, as is pig meat. Pork can provide nutritional benefits that outweigh some people’s religious prejudices. A mature pig can be purchased for between 35,000 and 40,000 naira. You would receive N1,750,000 if you sold 50 mature pigs at N35,000. If you raised 200 adult pigs in a year, your return would be 200 x 35,000 = 7 million naira.


However, the market quality of pigs is determined by the breed quality and the animal’s overall health.


Nigeria has a strong demand for pig meat, yet there aren’t many locally produced sources. In Nigeria, almost 80% of the pork eaten is imported.


Although there are religious prohibitions against eating pork, the food’s nutritional advantages cannot be disregarded. Pork is a significant source of animal protein.


One crucial factor that affects the others is the initial cash. It must be sufficient to pay for the pigs’ immunization, housing, and food.


In a free-range system, the field where the pigs are allowed to graze and roam must be enclosed to stop them from getting lost. In order to keep the pigs safe from wolves and the elements at night, a house must be constructed.





According to Snail World,Depending on the species of snail you are breeding, the maturation period for snails might range from six weeks to five years. The outcome demonstrates that snail farming is highly profitable while requiring little initial investment. However, a single snail cycle can bring in over N10,000,000 in net profit. Its low-risk nature is one of the reasons you should invest in snail farming. However, among all livestock enterprises, snail farming has the lowest startup and ongoing operating costs. And your backyard is a great place to start.


First off, one of the most lucrative industries in Nigeria is snail farming. It is risk-free and simple to launch. The practice of raising snails for their meat, eggs, or slime is known as “snail farming.” The slime is utilized as cosmetics, and the meat and eggs are used to make food.


Everything about raising snails is simpler and more affordable. Farming snails involves less labor. Snails don’t take a lot of care. Even how they eat poses no issue. They consume more vegetables and fruits, the majority of which are foraged in the wild.






Although it can be incredibly rewarding, raising poultry can be labor-intensive. Poultry farming has a very high potential for financial reward. However, you must have the necessary knowledge and the right space. However, whether you create a small farm for your family or a huge farm as an agricultural business, owning a poultry farm is a tremendous source of revenue. How well you grasp the business aspect of the chicken industry will influence how successful the farming side is.


The poultry industry covers a large area. Based on your market study, choose a niche. If you are aware of the greatest demands or gaps in your target market, you can better serve them. Think more carefully before choosing your poultry specialty. Do not choose a specialty solely based on what other people are doing. Choose your niche intelligently and on the basis of actual data.


But starting a chicken farm without a sound business plan and feasibility assessment would be unwise. Avoid using common sense in your company plan. Enter the market and collect accurate, bankable data. If you are unable to accomplish it yourself, employ a qualified business expert to put one together for you.


Poultry farms come in a variety of forms. The top seven poultry farms in the world are as follows: Chicken-poultry farms are the most common type of poultry farm in many countries. The chickens are raised for both eggs and meat. Among the poultry farms are those for ducks, turkeys, guinea hens, geese, and pigeons.


Depending on your financial situation, the cost of starting a poultry farm may vary, but in general, it’s not too expensive to launch a poultry business. Starting small with 50,000 naira and going as high as you can is OK. The price tag needs to include the chicken coop, the chicks, feeding supplies, and food.


Conclusively, Even though livestock has its difficulties, the various advantages and gains it provides far outweigh these difficulties. While you are deciding which industry to enter, livestock farming is creating millionaires every day. Make a decision right away and gain from it.